Cybersecurity for Small Businesses By Michael Greenlee Wine

Michael Greenlee
2 min readMay 1, 2020

Cybersecurity concerns are at an all-time high due to many nefarious individuals trying to steal data online. If you’re a small business owner, then it’s imperative for you to have some cybersecurity strategy. If you’re caught unprepared, then you could wind up suffering quite a bit. Keep reading to examine important information that you need to know about cybersecurity for your small business.

The Threat of Ransomware

Ransomware is one of the most common threats faced by small businesses when it comes to cybersecurity. This type of threat involves online thieves seizing your data and holding it ransom. They will ask for money in return for unlocking your data. Avoid problems like this by using antivirus software, keeping your system updated, and avoiding fishy pieces of software that you aren’t sure of.

Phishing Scams

Phishing attacks occur through email. These are simple scams that try to get you to give up information by sending you emails that might appear like they are coming from credible sources. However, these emails are designed to deceive you and to gain access to your data in some way. Be careful about opening emails and always check to ensure that they are actually from a trusted source.

Allowing Unsecured Devices on Your Network

If you have employees that bring their own devices to work, then you might want to reconsider that decision. One of the biggest dangers you can face is having your data stolen and getting your network hacked. If you’re allowing unsecured devices to link up with your network, then you’re asking for trouble. It’s likely best to just work with secure devices that you know have been set up with the right security measures.

DDoS Attacks

DDoS attacks can compromise your data, and they can prevent you from being able to operate your business properly. If you have your website targeted by an attack like this, then you will want to be prepared to fix things. Having extra bandwidth can help you to get things smoothed out, and you’ll also want to keep an eye on your website traffic levels constantly. Taking steps like this can help to mitigate the dangers presented by this type of attack.

Creating Strong Passwords

Creating strong passwords can sometimes be enough to keep people from cracking into your accounts. If you use decidedly simple passwords that could be guessed or figured out with enough time, then you’re doing it wrong. Create passwords for your network and your devices so that you can avoid problems. It might seem like a hassle at first, but it’s much better than dealing with a cybersecurity threat.

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Michael Greenlee

Michael Greenlee is the Founder at MGWino Holdings. For more information visit